Monday 22 April 2013

My first ever post! A little bit about me, and my vision for this blog.

Hi, my name is Jess Lowe. I'm 25 years old (in a couple of weeks) ,and I love reading, cooking, learning, teaching, communicating (especially writing) and contributing to my community.

 I live in the beautiful Wollongong, NSW Australia. I grew up in Crescent Head on the mid north coast of NSW, and was blessed enough to be brought up to understand the importance and value of consuming real food. Put simply; food that's in its closest state to nature. 

When I left home at 17 I had to rediscover the importance of this kind of eating for the health of my mind and body. It's been, and continues to be a journey. I am now at the point where I see the immense significance of being educated about the story behind the food I eat. I see my investment into quality food as something that has consequences on my immediate community, and the world at large; on multiple levels. I believe that food is so much more than fuel to be bought at a bargain price and chowed down with blissful ignorance. In this day and age, it's so easy to purchase supermarket items with no understanding of the integrity behind a product, whether the agenda of the company has my health and wellness, or the health of the environments and communities it encounters at its core. 

Just to be clear: I'm by no means claiming to be perfect when it comes to my own food choices, but I am committed to stewarding my food consumption in a way that's best for my community, my environment and the health of my family. This is an ever evolving process of learning and adapting.  

Aside from all the ethics, I absolutely adore selecting, preparing and eating food. I'm a lover of all things creative, and love to express myself through writing and cooking. My love of food has opened up many doors and opportunities for me. I've made some amazing connections and been opened up to a whole world of exciting information. Besides being a high school teacher, I'm now also a freelance writer with a passion for all things food and wellness related. I hope that the pursuing of my passions will continue to open more doors in the future that will eventually lead to a more significant career in the food/wellness/writing sphere.

I can't get through this intro without introducing you to the most amazing man in the world; my husband Grant. We met in Feb 2011, fell madly in love, he proposed in Dec 2011, and we were married on July 1st 2012.

Photo's by Eliza Jade Photography

I thank God for him every single day. We are also incredibly blessed to be expecting our first child in July, so I'm sure this blog will unfold the great shifts of life I'm about to experience! Whilst being a little freaked out, I'm so excited to enter into the new season of motherhood, and hope it will bring out the best in me.

I have so many ideas for this blog, but I have no idea on how it will exactly pan out. While it will definitely involve recipes; it won't be limited to food. I want it to expand into a range of areas and topics, with practical information inspired by the way I live my own life; committed to learning, embracing wellness in all its forms (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually) and being involved in my community. I am excited to meet people who are like minded, and welcome your comments (no mean ones pretty please) with open arms.

I hope this blog will inspire people to live a life of splendour; hence the name. The word splendour is defined as:   

'luster: a quality that outshines the usual'.
 'Brilliant or gorgeous appearance, colouring, etc.; magnificence'
'Grandeur; glory; brilliant distinction'

I hope therefore that my blog will inspire people to live their life in such a way that it outshines the ordinary.

What topics, practical information, recipes or ideas would you like to see me explore on my blog?

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